Kelpie Breeding Bitches
Coogee "SWIFT"
sire: Coopendale "TIM II" 42895
bitch: Coogee "JANE" A3F 12727
- Lead bitch at Baringa
- Full sister to Coogee "Trooper" 55708
- Stylish Bitch
- Handles her stock well
- The best natural working dog I have had

Kingsley "ALLY" 61462
Sire: Coogee "Trooper" 55708
Bitch: Kingsley "Tess III" 56718
- Good Alround bitch
- Backs & Barks
- Good cover in paddock
- Looking to Breed from her in 2018

Coopendale "FLASH"
Sire: Coogee "Trooper" 55708
Bitch: Coopendale "Lou"
- Nice young bitch
- Broken leg as a young dog, looking good now
- Very natural
- Looking to Breed from her in 2018

Marista "EFFIE" 64403
Sire: Jendara "Boss II" A3M1733508
Bitch: Boco "Doll-Crazy" A3F2515713
- Has a lot of work in her
- Really like the ability of this bitch
- will be a great alrounder
- Looking to Breed from her in 2019

Baringa "LILLY"
Sire: Tat. "Boss"
Bitch: Coopendale "Rose"
- Developing very nicely
- Nice and strong on stud stock
- Outstanding type
- Looking to Breed from her in 2019

Capree "BELL IV"
Sire: Orgjardens "Chance"
Bitch: Capree "Slip"
- Started around 9 Weeks old
- Showing calmness for age
- Great temperament
- Looking to Breed from her in 2020

Capree "MEG II"
Sire: Wundurra "Teak"
Bitch: Capree "Kirby"
- Beautiful Nature
- Strong Type
- Started around 11 weeks
- Looking to Breed from her in 2020